Popular throughout the world for its multiple benefits and refreshing taste, it is hard to imagine that anything can be as sweet and healthy as coconut water itself. With no fats and absolutely zero cholesterol, coconut water can play a vital role in improving your health and fitness; whether it is related to the heart or to the kidneys, coconut water has shown to be a great natural remedy for problems that plague everyone’s health, making it easier for you to pursue a healthy lifestyle.
Naturally found inside tender coconuts, coconut water is a great for the summer months when we look for multiple ways of keeping ourselves hydrated. In fact, one of the first things suggested to anyone who is dehydrated is a few sips of coconut water to bring back the electrolyte balance in the body. Coconut water is gentle on the stomach too, and those recuperating from a stomach-related ailment are also advised to consume what is rightly called nature’s own energy drink.
Natural coconut water contains 5 crucial components that make it so effective and beneficial to human body, these are: sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous and calcium. It is naturally low in calories and the demand for coconut water is skyrocketing around the world.
There are several brands selling packaged coconut water in India.
We did an in-depth review of the top 8 brands to arrive at the tastiest and healthiest packaged coconut water available in India.

Raw Pressery 100% Natural Coconut Water is our Top Pick for the tastiest packaged coconut water. It tastes as close to natural tender coconut water as it can get, has no added sugar and is not made from a concentrate unlike a few others.
Size – 250 ml
Price – Rs. 80/- *
*At the time of review
Table of Contents
Watch – Amazing Benefits Of Coconut Water
Amazing Benefits of Coconut Water
Here are 12 amazing benefits associated with coconut water.
1. For Weight Loss
A 100 ml of coconut water contains about just 19 calories, making it a great and preferred healthy drink choice for a weight-loss diet. Additionally, a weight loss diet is most effective when you drink enough fluids, and your digestive system is working fine with no complaints of constipation.
Coconut water can easily be your go-to drink when you are trying to shed extra kilos. Not only can it be consumed guilt-free, thanks to its low calorific value, but coconut water is also great for those working out or putting in extra rounds of cardio for weight loss.
Instead of relying on sugary drinks post-workout, a glass of chilled coconut water is the best option to stay hydrated.
2. Promotes Healthy Digestion
Coconut water is a good source of fiber. These fibers, when ingested, are` quite beneficial for keeping the stomach filled for a more extended period of time and preventing you from over-eating.
The fibers are also quite crucial for the treatment of digestion-related problems as they can easily add bulk to the stool and aid in getting rid of the waste as quickly as possible.
3. Maintains Blood Glucose Level
L-arginine, a component that is abundantly found in coconut water, is known to exhibit anti-diabetic and antithrombotic qualities. According to a study done on diabetic rats, the adequate consumption of coconut water was responsible for lowering their blood sugar level (1).
However, it is also important that if you are drinking coconut water for the sole purpose of reducing the blood sugar level, you must choose plain coconut water over the one that is sweetened. There should be no ‘added sugar’ in the brands you pick. The best would be to have this drink in the natural form.
4. Natural Energy Drink- Our Natural Energy Booster
The electrolyte balance in coconut water makes it a widely consumed drink for better performance during exercising. Acting as a natural hydrator, coconut water appears to have the similar effects on the body as other energy drinks but without all that added sugar and preservatives!
Moreover, due to the high potassium content in coconut water it has reigned supreme as a better choice over other energy drinks available in the market.

5. Improves Kidney Health
Coconut water helps expel the excess water from the body and, along with it, minerals such as potassium and chlorine.
Suppose there is a significant increase in the level of these minerals in the bloodstream; in that case, they tend to get deposited over the kidney lining, forming a thin film that could later increase the risk of stone formation in the kidneys. Thus, by expelling these minerals, coconut water reduces the risk of kidney stone formation.
On the other hand, due to its natural anti-bacterial properties, it is known to cure other infections that might affect our bladder or intestines, enhancing the body’s overall health.
6. Improves Bone Density
Though not as rich in calcium as milk, coconut water contains a significant amount of calcium that can make it quite a beneficial item for bone health. Calcium is an essential mineral, as it is considered to the building block for bones and teeth. Since the calcium content in coconut water is quite high, it can be a powerful food item to incorporate for a calcium-rich diet.
The health of the heart is inversely proportional to the level of bad cholesterol in the body. Since there is zero cholesterol in a glass of coconut water – also home to naturally occurring chemicals responsible for reducing the level of cholesterol in the body – the consumption of coconut water sure is a great option to prevent the occurrence of any cardiovascular disease.
8. Maintains Blood Pressure
This is another factor that affects the cardiovascular health of the body. Incorporating the food items that are good for maintaining healthy blood pressure is also good for cardiovascular health. It is advised to consume mineral-filled coconut water when it comes to managing heart conditions like blood pressure.
9. Can Be Categorized As A Natural Moisturizer
Having a glass of coconut water every day will make you forget about all of the other beauty products. Filled with anti-oxidants called cytokines, coconut water delays the onset of wrinkles and reduces pigmentation.
It also helps reduce acne and skin irritation, as its anti-microbial nature prevents the external pathogens from attacking the skin and causing inflammation. Coconut water works as a natural moisturizer, and its consumption helps stop the occurrence of dry and damaged skin cells.
10. Healthy Hair
Yes, apart from having beauty benefits related to the skin’s health, coconut water is also an essential product for the hair’s health.
This is because the same antioxidant called cytokine, which is responsible for radiant and glowing skin, is also an essential nutrient required by the scalp to effectively nourish the follicles, which further results in healthy hair.
11. Good During Pregnancies- A Minerals and Vitamins Loaded Natural Drink
Containing various nutrients such as amino acids, potassium, and vitamins B and C in just a single serving, coconut water is a beneficial drink that can be quite nourishing to both mother and baby. As one of the safest sources of vitamins, minerals, and calcium, coconut water is recommended to pregnant women, especially those who live in hot, tropical climates.
In addition, coconut water can be a good source of fibre and hydration for a new mother as well. However, pregnant women and lactating mothers should only start something new after consulting their health experts, and we recommend the same.
12. Good For Cooling And Hydration
This is one of most popular benefits of drinking coconut water. The electrolyte content of coconut water is responsible for hydration and keeping the energy up throughout the day.
Moreover, it is also responsible for producing a cooling sensation inside of the body and helps in maintaining its temperature, which, by the way, makes it a wonderful treat for the summer time.
There’s no match for coconut water. However, if you don’t have regular access to fresh coconut water or prefer the convenience of carrying a bottle of packaged coconut water around, be sure to pick the right brand. A lot of packaged bottles of coconut water contain preservatives and added sugar that may, in fact, harm your health instead of bringing you good health in the long run.
We reviewed 8 popular brands in India to find out the tastiest and healthiest packaged coconut water. Read our full review here.
For now, let’s raise a toast to all the amazing health benefits of coconut water with a glass of, what else, coconut water! Cheers!
FAQs About Coconut Water
1. What are the side effects of coconut water?
Anything in moderation is always beneficial and the same goes for coconut water. Coconut water has diuretic properties which can lead to an electrolyte imbalance if consumed regularly in large quantities. Coconut water, even though very healthy, can increase blood sugar levels as well.
2. How much coconut water should I drink daily?
While coconut water is extremely healthy, everything in excess can be bad for your health. Drinking coconut water in moderation is recommended as it can cause some side-effects. Not more than 1-2 cups of coconut water is recommended.
3. Is coconut water fattening?
Coconut water has a much less sugar content than most packaged drinks and energy drinks. If had in moderation, coconut water is not fattening but if you go overboard it might increase your calorie intake by a large amount.
4. Is coconut water good for skin?
Yes! Coconut water has cytokinins in it, which is known for its anti-ageing properties. Not only that, coconut water also hydrates the skin, helping in keeping it firm and supple.
5. Which coconut water is the best?
While nothing beats the flavor of natural coconut water, if its packaged coconut water you are looking for, there are quite a few brands available in the market.
We picked 8 popular packaged coconut water brands and found that Raw Pressery 100% Natural Coconut Water is the most natural tasting coconut water. It has no added sugar, no preservatives and contains only 100% coconut water.
Disclaimer – This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information before making any dietary changes.