Browsing: Diet

While creatine’s link to hair loss is debated, understanding the risks can help you make informed decisions.

Detox Diets suggests the restriction on certain food and addictions. They claim to quick recover from the harmful toxins and several body issues for the healthy well-being but does all the detox diet plan has the same effect on the body? Read On to learn more about detox diet.

Fish and dairy may be a delicious combination in several cuisines, but is it likely to cause any health problems? Let’s discuss the pros and cons of eating fish and milk together.

It goes without saying that utmost care must be taken during pregnancy by the mother and her immediate family about her diet. Don’t just focus on what to eat, also consider foods to avoid during pregnancy. Here’s a complete list.

Milk and banana are both healthy but having them together is rather debatable. Read on to know more.

Fasting is one of the successful and effective methods of losing weight. However, they can also have side effects which can last longer and can cause permanent damage to a person’s body. Maintaining a balance is the key to a healthy body.

The numerous health benefits of apple cider vinegar tonic have made it one of the most famously used stimulants for weight loss.