Browsing: Healthy Alternatives

If your diet calls for nutritional yeast and you can’t find any, there are substitutes you can check out. Brewer’s yeast, tofu, vegetable bouillon being some of them.

Brown Sugar Vs White Sugar: Choosing the right type of sugar can play an important part in improving your health, since the different sugar-types have certain unique qualities in them.

A probiotic drink such as buttermilk can actually be quite helpful when consumed in a proper way. Buttermilk is rich in calcium and vitamins, and its probiotic nature helps with digestion too.

Both curd and yogurt are the derivatives of milk that are prepared by the process of curdling. But did you know that both of them, though similar in appearance, are quite different from each other?

Muesli Vs Granola – The difference between muesli and granola has been a challenging topic for every health conscious being. From their method of preparation to their differing sets of nutritional value, learn more about what it is that make muesli and granola different from each other.

Celery salt adds not only fragrance but also a lovely bite and flavor to most dishes. But what do you do when you run out? Find a good replacement, of course.

This article can help one to solve their Quinoa VS Oatmeal dilemma. The health benefits are discussed in this article in detail, along with a comparative evaluation of Oatmeal and Quinoa.