To Be Healthy’s vacuum baked chips are aimed at the health-conscious and those who would like to binge on healthier snacks. Vacuum Chips are made by cooking thin slivers/pieces of veggies on low-heat and pressure. The excess oil is then removed using centrifugation. We recently reviewed To Be Healthy’s Purple Sweet Potato Chips and found them to be tasty, but not as healthy as the name suggests. We decided to pick another product from TBH’s range of vacuum chips for this edition of our #FirstImpression.
Table of Contents
Facts About To Be Healthy’s Spiced Okra
*as per the information on the pack
- Instead of being deep-fried, these crisps are vacuum cooked.
- A mixture of okra, palmolein oil, and some spices and condiments like coriander and cumin.
- It has 50% less oil and high nutrient content.
- Made with the freshest produce coming directly from the farm.
- There are no added preservatives.
- No added color or flavors.
- Low on fat.

To Be Healthy Foods | Spiced Okra with Coriander (70g)
Spiced Okra chips by TBH are unappetizing to look at and do not taste good, either. We would not recommend this product.
MRP: Rs 149*
*price at the time of review
#First Impressions Of To Be Healthy’s Spiced Okra
To Be Healthy’s Spiced Okra chips look unappetizing. The chips are a pale green color and do not look inviting at all. This is not the shade of green one expects ‘healthy’ okra chips to look like.

Most of the pieces of okra are broken; thanks to their wafer-thin texture. As a result, these vacuum cooked chips crumble into tiny pieces the moment you take a bite, leaving you with a bad experience and taste.
On the taste front, there is subtle flavor of okra/bhindi, but that is all there is. There is barely any coriander flavor, as suggested on the pack.

As far as the ‘healthy’ tag is concerned – a pack of TBH contains 585 calories, not significantly lower than what regular/deep-fried chips contain. But, does it use quality ingredients since its priced at least 3 times, if not more, than regular ‘unhealthy’ chips? Sadly, no. The product uses Palmolien oil – amongst the cheapest, mass-produced oils in South East Asian countries, not deemed to be healthy by experts for you.

Sadly, Spiced Okra by TBH is truly disappointing. For a product that claims to be honest, healthy and tasty – it delivers on none.