Lemongrass, Citronella or Cymbopogon Citratus or tanglad is an aromatic plant that is widely used for culinary and medical purposes. It belongs to India, Sri Lanka, Burma, and Thailand, and is now cultivated in several other parts of Asia and America. Lemongrass comes from the grass family of Poaceae that resembles bunches of stalks with a strong base. Lemongrass is not only used in Thai food and other Asian cuisines, it’s also an excellent bug repellent and is used in the production of cosmetics and aromatherapy products. The main component of lemongrass is citral, which gives it the lemon-like fragrance as well as medicinal qualities. Lemongrass is a good source of Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, vitamin C, zinc, iron, calcium, folate, potassium, magnesium, and phosphate. That’s a lot of benefits, isn’t it? Lemongrass tea is a mildly sweet drink that’s gaining popularity across the world due to its positive effects on one’s health. Let’s find out some more about this magical ingredient.
Table of Contents
Lemongrass Tea Benefits Or Tanglad Benefits
1. Aids Digestion
Tea made with lemongrass cools our body down, thus making our digestion after a meal smoother, which is often why it’s served right after eating. Additionally, it can cure various stomach-related issues such as constipation, indigestion, cramping and an upset stomach. Lemongrass tea is an effective remedy for gastric ulcers according to the National Institutes Of Health. It can protect the stomach lining from damage caused by aspirin and ethanol. Did you know that aspirin is the common cause of damage to stomach lining? Try brewing this refreshing drink for lemongrass benefits (1) ! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3326778/

2. Full Of Antioxidants
Antioxidants play a vital role in our overall health. Lemongrass tea is a rich source of antioxidants such as isoorientic, chorogene and swertiajaponin. According to a study published in Journal Of Agriculture And Food Chemistry, various powerful antioxidants clean up free radicals, prevent diseases and control the dysfunction of cells in coronary arteries. And while there are plenty of foods that supply the body with all that, you can add one more to the list of antioxidant-rich drinks – the lemongrass tea. (2).
3. It Has Anti-inflammatory Qualities
You must have heard that inflammation is responsible for many chronic diseases, including heart problems. Lemongrass tea is rich in two powerful compounds – citral and geranial – and they help in combating inflammation in the body. According to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, lemongrass tea has anti-inflammatory advantages but it still needs further research. Isn’t it a great idea to sip a cup of lemongrass tea to prevent major diseases and avail its amazing health benefits (3)?
4. Acts As A Diuretic
Lemongrass water is a natural diuretic and helps to flush out extra fluids and sodium from the body. Generally, diuretics are suggested during certain health conditions such as heart problems, edema and liver problems. According to a study on rats for 6 weeks, diuretic activity was reported without any side effects (4).
5. Can Relieve Symptoms of PMS
Premenstrual syndrome or PMS can be quite painful for some women. Tanglad/lemongrass tea soothes the stomach by removing excess heat from the body and also helps to control bloating, thanks to its diuretic properties. It also controls hot flashes, which is a common occurrence during PMS and menopause. According to a study, lemongrass oil is beneficial in cooling the body (5).
6. Beneficial In Weight Loss
Lemongrass tea has low calories with no fat or cholesterol. It also curbs hunger pangs. Along with that, the tea detoxifies the body and stimulates digestion and metabolism. All of these lead to supporting any weight-loss program. Studies reveal that lemongrass is an effective treatment for diet-induced obesity as well as diabetes (6).

7. Helpful During Hypertension
Lemongrass tea has been used from ancient times for curing cholesterol problems. Potassium present in lemongrass tea raises urine production, purifies the liver, boosts blood circulation and lowers blood pressure. Some studies reveal that the effects of lemongrass tea in reducing high systolic blood pressure are promising (7).
8. Can Ward Off Cancer
The cancer rate is increasing at an alarming rate but thankfully, we can prevent certain cancers with dietary changes. The citral in lemongrass tea is known to have anti-carcinogenic properties, and can apparently stop the growth of cancer cells without affecting the healthy cells. It can also stimulate the body’s immunity to cope with any existing traces of cancer. Lemongrass tea is widely used as an adjuvant therapy during chemotherapy and radiation but the guidance of an oncologist is mandatory. A study reveals that lemongrass is effective in lowering tumor growth without any side effects and can thus be used in the treatment of cancer (8).

9. May Prevent Anemia
Being rich in iron and antioxidants, lemongrass tea aids in boosting hemoglobin levels in the body. A study on 105 people shows that lemongrass tea intake for 30 days raised the hemoglobin cell volume and red blood cells. Therefore, if you’re suffering from anemia, a cup of lemongrass tea every day can go a long way to improve your hemoglobin levels (9).
10. Reduces Fever
Lemongrass is also known as fever grass and acts as a febrifuge (a medicine used to reduce fever). Lemongrass tea also has an anti-pyretic and diaphoretic effect and that helps to cure fever by inducing perspiration. Lemongrass has been widely used in various cultures for lowering fever but lemongrass green tea cannot be the only method, especially in the case of high fever.
11. Aids Respiratory Health
Lemongrass tea is antibacterial and anti-fungal, and it’s enriched with vitamin C that boosts immunity and prevents common cold and flu. You can also add other powerful herbs and spices in it to make it more effective and delicious, such as ginger, turmeric, black pepper and green tea. Lemongrass tea is also effective for bronchial concerns and asthma.

12. Improves Oral Health
Oral health is as important as physical and mental health, if not more. Just like neem bark, lemongrass can also be chewed for better oral hygiene. According to a study published in Food Chemistry And Journal, 11 herbs were studied for their antibacterial abilities, including the lemongrass. It was found that lemongrass has the potential to kill bacteria such as streptococcus sanguinis, which causes cavities in the mouth (10) .
13. Promotes Skin And Hair Health
Regular intake of lemongrass tea can improve the quality of our skin and hair. It’s a rich source of essential nutrients and antioxidants, including vitamin C, and all of them together help to promote healthy hair and skin. Lemongrass tea prevents free radicals and controls premature aging. It improves blood circulation and acts as a natural oil cleanser for skin and hair. Furthermore, lemongrass tea controls acne, eczema, hair fall, and hair thinning.
Also Read : 7 Perfect Substitutes For Lemongrass
How To Make Lemongrass Tea And How Much To Drink?

Image credit : Wikimedia Commons
- Take one cup of boiling water.
- Add 1 stalk of chopped lemongrass or 1 to 3 tbsp dried lemongrass powder in it.
- Let it steep for 5 minutes. Strain the mixture and enjoy. You can serve it hot or cold as per your choice.
Lemongrass tea bags are also available in the market nowadays but try and use fresh and organic lemongrass if possible. And as for how much to drink, there’s not enough research on that so consulting a doctor or a nutritionist might be a good idea. However, a cup a day, to begin with, is good enough.
Side-Effects Of Lemongrass Tea
- Lemongrass tea consumption is generally safe but in rare cases, few side effects such as dizziness, excessive hunger, frequent urination, dry mouth, tiredness might be reported.
- Some people are allergic to lemongrass oil and may be allergic to the tea as well. Allergic reactions include rashes, itching, rapid heart rate and difficulty in breathing.
- Even though some studies say that lemongrass can increase the hemoglobin levels in expecting mothers as well as milk production in lactating mothers, it’s still not considered safe during pregnancy and breast-feeding. It’s probably best to just avoid it during those times.
- People with specific health conditions such as low heart rate and low potassium levels should avoid lemongrass tea.
- Lemongrass tea can interrupt with other diuretics you might be prescribed. So avoid it while taking such medicines.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some interesting FAQs on Lemongrass Tea:
Lemongrass tea is known for its numerous health benefits, including aiding digestion, reducing inflammation, and boosting immunity. It contains antioxidants that help fight free radicals, reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Additionally, lemongrass has antimicrobial properties that can help in fighting infections and improving skin health.
Yes, lemongrass tea can aid in weight loss. It acts as a natural diuretic, helping to flush out excess water and toxins from the body, which can reduce bloating. It also boosts metabolism, which helps in burning more calories. Moreover, lemongrass tea can help suppress appetite, making it easier to control food intake.
Lemongrass tea is generally safe for most people to drink daily. However, it’s important to consume it in moderation. Excessive consumption may lead to side effects such as dizziness, dry mouth, or increased urination. Pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and individuals with certain health conditions should consult their healthcare provider before incorporating lemongrass tea into their daily routine.
While lemongrass tea is generally safe for most people, some may experience side effects such as allergic reactions, dizziness, or increased urination. It’s also important to consume it in moderation, as excessive intake can lead to more severe side effects. If you experience any adverse reactions, discontinue use and consult your healthcare provider.
Lemongrass tea has antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties that can combat various chronic problems such as heart diseases and diabetes. And while it’s beneficial by and large, it’s not recommended as a substitute for medical treatment. An allergy test might also be needed before you begin drinking it. Most of the studies are based on lab researches and therefore further clinical evidence is required to confirm the efficiency of this aromatic herb.