Frequently Asked Questions
After listing vegetables that commence with the letter Z, here we have answered a few interesting FAQs about it.
1. Which of these vegetables are expensive?
Zizania Latifolia is more expensive than the locally available vegetables.
2. Which of these vegetables are exotic?
Zizania Latifolia, also known as Manchurian wild rice, is mostly grown and available in the eastern part of Asia. This vegetable is exotic to parts of the United States and Canada.
3. Which of the vegetables that begin with the letter z are common in India?
Both the vegetables that begin with the letter Z which is zucchini and zizania latifolia are available in India.
4. Which of these vegetables are available throughout the year?
Zucchini is available throughout the year. It looks like a cucumber but it belongs to the Cucurbita family. It has low calories and is high in fiber content.
Final Words
These were all the vegetables that start with Z.
Do try them out if you haven’t already and also, read our other articles if you wish to read about vegetables of letter P or vegetables that start with O.