Ready-to-cook frozen foods such as pizza pockets provide flavors that work well for parties, and even as quick filling snacks on-the-go. And, because these mouth-watering delicacies can be made in just a few simple steps, they, obviously, bring to the table a whole lot of convenience too. But not every frozen snack available in the markets is delicious, as we have found in our reviews. Some taste not so good, others simply break on frying, strewing across the pan crumbs of food that burn and make everything taste off. But there are good ones out there too, and to point those out is the purpose of our reviews.
In this review, we were looking for the best-tasting, frozen Pizza Pocket brands. We picked 3 commonly available variants and cooked numerous batches to discover that ITC Masterchef Veggie Pizza Pocket is the Tastiest Pizza Pocket Brand amongst all brands reviewed, and is, therefore, our Top Pick
Table of Contents
Mishry Top Pick: Tastiest Pizza Pocket Band
ITC Masterchef Veggie Pizza Pocket

ITC Master Chef Veggie Pizza Pocket, 340 g
You can find cheese, herbs and classic toppings of capsicum, onion, and sweetcorn stuffed in a golden pocket. ITC Masterchef Veggie Pizza Pocket cooks well and tastes delicious.
MRP: Rs 156*
*Price at the time of review
Why ITC Masterchef Veggie Pizza Pocket is our Top Pick:
Stuffed with vegetables and cheese, ITC Masterchef’s Veggie Pizza Pocket pack contains 9 deftly made pockets. All of them are uniformly shaped, also making the end presentation of the dish look palatable. Since frozen foods are often used as party snacks, we think this is an important factor.
The 9 pockets are neatly arranged in a box with compartments. So you do not see broken pieces in the box, thanks to these compartments.
The stuffing of ITC Masterchef Veggie Pizza Pocket contains cheese, corn, herbs, and is packed with vegetables such as capsicum, beans, carrots, and onion; all inside a pocket-like shape. The quantity of the filling is adequate.
Upon frying, and across multiple batches, we felt that flavor-wise, ITC Masterchef Veggie Pizza Pocket comes closest to a regular pizza. It has got an oozy filling, with gooey cheese that adds to its taste.
ITC Masterchef Veggie Pizza Pockets fry really well, the outer layer is firm, with sufficient crunch. Some of the vegetables, like carrots and beans, retain their bite even after the frying.
Our Review Process
When we buy and get these products into our review kitchen, we go through all the steps that regular consumers go through. We don’t source free samples from the brands directly, we pick from the supermarket shelf exactly what you would end up buying, and we pay for our review samples.
We picked brands that are commonly available in the markets.
We were looking for snacks that are sold as ‘Pizza Pockets’ – which in general terms would mean a pocket (encasing) of pizza-flavored stuffing.
We kept this review restricted to vegetarian products only. It would be improper to compare flavors across vegetarian and nonvegetarian products.
Brands We Picked
Fresh Naturally Pizza Pocket
ITC Masterchef Pizza Pocket
Godrej Yummiez Pizza Pocket
How We Picked Our Brands
We checked out several supermarkets and also online grocery retailers. We found these three brands to be most commonly available in the vegetarian frozen section. Price-wise too, these brands are comparable. We did not include any gourmet, boutique or imported brands that would be priced higher, and perhaps may not even be available for a larger audience across India.

Who This Is For?

Frozen foods are not just convenient and quick, they are also a delicious addition to your snacks menu for parties and cold winter evenings.
This review is for foodies who enjoy these kinds of snacks regularly.
This review will further help those who follow a vegetarian diet. Often, vegetarians end up getting the same old snacks that lack imagination. Pizza pockets can certainly add a little variety to a vegetarian menu.
We do not promote frying foods as a regular/everyday snacking option. Deep-fried foods, when consumed regularly, can lead to a variety of health issues like obesity and heart problem. However, we also recognize that frozen foods provide a particular convenience that is hard to miss. The ultimate choice rests with the consumer whether to go for these foods or not. Our review, in no way, promotes unhealthy eating. In fact, for this review – all contenders were shallow-fried and not deep-fried. Further, we would encourage the readers of Mishry to opt for pan-frying instead of deep-frying.
Team Mishry
How We Tested- Our Parameters
This review involved a taste test along with other parameters like packaging and pricing.
The Filling: Pizza pockets are a deadly combination of crusty bread and a cheesy filling. Some of the common ingredients in the pockets are veggies like carrots, capsicum, corn, etc., cheese, and spices that create a balance to make for a delicious treat. Our Top Pick – ITC Masterchef Veggie Pizza Pockets offered the tastiest filling amongst all brands reviewed.
The Crust: The outer covering holds the filling tight inside and balances the tangy and cheesy flavors of the pizza pockets making it look appetizing. An important aspect of the crust is also that is should cook evenly, and not taste to ‘bready’ upon frying. ITC Masterchef Veggie Pizza Pockets had a delicious crunch when fried.
The Filling to Flour ratio: Have you experienced a stuffed snack that had too much covering and very little filling? We looked closely for the perfect ratio between outer covering and inner filling in all the brands. We found ITC Masterchef Veggie Pizza Pockets to have the best balance of both.
The Taste: Frozen foods are all about taste. The crust and the filling come together to decide the overall taste of the product.

The Result Of Our Taste Test
ITC Masterchef Veggie Pizza Pocket is our Top Pick amongst all contenders, simply because the stuffing is delicious, very pizza-like, and also because how well the snack comes together when fried – from the crispy crust to the cheezy filling. The filling was moist and had gooey cheese adding to the overall taste. In addition to being the tastiest, ITC Masterchef Veggie Pizza Pocket also had the most neatly made, uniform pieces with no broken edges, making it look most appetizing as well.

ITC Master Chef Veggie Pizza Pocket, 340 g
You can find cheese, herbs and classic toppings of capsicum, onion, and sweetcorn stuffed in a golden pocket. ITC Masterchef Veggie Pizza Pocket cooks well and tastes delicious.
MRP: Rs 156*
*Price at the time of review