There are uncountable vegetables starting with different letters in the world today, yet we know only a few regular ones. In this article, we would be focusing on vegetables of letter C.
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Quality has always been more important than quantity as far as eatables are considered. Vegetables obviously have enough nutrients to satisfy our daily requirements, but a single vegetable or the same type of vegetable every day isn’t enough. To provide all the necessary nutrients to our body, all vegetables hold equal importance. Not only do they maintain our metabolism but also build an immunity wall against deadly diseases and viruses.
There are over 28 vegetables, beginning with C, that are rich in vitamin C, proteins and other minerals.
Let us read about all of them in this compiled list of vegetables, starting with C.
Table of Contents
Vegetables Beginning With C
Here’s a list of vegetables that start with C to enrich your glossary of vegetables.
1. Cabbage
Cabbage [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]This is one of the first green leafy vegetables that start with C. It is eaten raw or steamed. Its scientific name is Brassica oleracea var. Capitata. Cooked cabbage has a slightly pungent smell, but it is consumed in several other ways.
Cactus [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]High in fiber and antioxidants, cactus is a great option that can be added to your daily diet. It is from the plant family Cactaceae and its scientific name is Cactaceae.
3. Camas
Camas [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]Among other vegetables of letter C, this is found mostly in North America. Its scientific name is Camassia, and it belongs to the asparagus family. Packed with nutrition, they are commonly eaten boiled.
4. Canna
Canna [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]This is the scientific name of a vegetable also known as canna lily. It is a great source of starch and its young shoots are used as vegetables.
5. Caper
Caper [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]Caper scientific name is Capparis, and it is usually grown in tropical and subtropical areas. It is rich in micronutrient C and is used in pickles.
6. Cardoon
Cardoon [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]This is a species of the sunflower family. Its scientific name is Cynara cardunculus. They are a rich source of enzymes and are a popular thistle around the world.
7. Carrot
Carrot [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]This is a root vegetable that is commonly eaten in Asia and Europe. It can be eaten raw in salads and is also eaten cooked. It is orange in color and is mildly sweet in taste.
8. Cassava
Cassava [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]Its scientific name is Manihot esculenta, and it is a woody shrub that is found in tropical and subtropical regions. Several varieties of this vegetable are available, that are both bitter and sweet.
9. Catsear
Cat’s ear also known as flatweed. [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]Its scientific name is Hypochaeris radicata and is commonly known as flatweed. It is common in Europe but is found in other parts of the world as well.
10. Cauliflower
Cauliflower [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]Its scientific name is Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis. This is a common vegetable found in India. It is rich in vitamin C and contains significant amounts of vitamin C and vitamin K as well.
11. Celeriac
Celeriac [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]Its scientific name is Apium graveolens var. Rapaceum. It is a root vegetable with a bulbous center that has several other roots attached to it.
12. Celery
Celery [ Image Credit: Wiktionary ]Its scientific name is Apium graveolens. It is a long, fibrous stalk of the family Apiaceae and helps in the proper functioning of the digestive system.
13. Celtuce
Celtuce [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]Its scientific name is Lactuca sativa var. Angustana. Also known as stem lettuce, it is common in China and Taiwan. It can be eaten raw as a salad as well.
14. Chaya
Chaya [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]The scientific name of this vegetable starting with C is Cnidoscolus aconitifolius. This leafy vegetable is native to Mexico. The taste of boiled chaya is slightly sweet.
15. Chayote Squash
Chayote Squash [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]Its scientific name is Sechium edule. It is a type of gourd that is also known as choko. It is a rich source of vitamin C.
16. Cherry Tomato
Cherry tomatoes [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]This vegetable looks just like tomato and comes in different sizes. Its scientific name is Solanum lycopersicum var. Cerasiforme. It is sweeter and is considered to be a variety of cherries.
17. Chickpea
Chickpea [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]This is a popular vegetable of the family Fabaceae. Its scientific name is Cicer arietinum, and it is high in protein.
18. Chickweed
Chickweed [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]This vegetable crop is a flowering plant that is also known as craches and maruns. Its scientific name is Stellaria media. It is eaten raw in salads.
19. Chicory
Chicory [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]This is a woody herbal plant that has fascinating blue flowers. Its scientific name is Cichorium intybus. Its roots and leaves are both used in cooking.
20. Chives
Chives [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]Its scientific name is Allium schoenoprasum. The flowers and leaves of this plant are edible, which are used to add an onion-like flavor to different food items.
21. Chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]This is the scientific name of a flowering plant that has large leaves with smooth edges. The flowers display a vast variety of colors.
22. Collard Greens
Collard Greens [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]Its scientific name is Brassica oleracea var. Viridis. It is similar to broccoli and cabbage. It is known by different names in different parts of the world.
23. Common Beans
Common Beans [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]Popularly known as French beans, this legume has edible seeds and pods. Its scientific name is Phaseolus vulgaris. They are rich in iron and zinc.
24. Crookneck Squash
Crookneck [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]This vegetable is also known as yellow squash and has a yellow flesh inside the yellow peel. It is sweet in taste.
25. Common Purslane
Common Purslane [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]Its scientific name is Portulaca oleracea. It is identified as a weed in some regions but is also known to be highly nutritious. It has reddish stems and yellow flowers.
26. Courgette Flowers
Courgette Flowers [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]This vegetable is attached to the flower of the courgette or zucchini bush. They are stuffed with cheese and herbs for better taste.
27. Cress
Cress leaves
Its scientific name is Lepidium sativum. This is a herb that grows rapidly and helps in building immunity against infections.
28. Cucumbers
Cucumber [ Image Credit: Wikipedia ]This is mostly eaten raw as salad and is a rich source of vitamin K. Its scientific name is Cucumis sativus and it belongs to the gourd family.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are a few interesting FAQs about the vegetables that commence with letter C.
1. Which of these vegetables are exotic?
Exotic vegetables such as chives, chayote squash, cherry tomatoes and collard greens are now commonly available in India.
2. Which of the vegetables that begin with the letter C are common in India?
Here are a few vegetables that begin with the letter C are common in India.
Common Beans
3. Which of these vegetables are available throughout the year?
Vegetables such as cucumbers, chickpeas, cauliflower and cabbage are available throughout the year.
Final Words
These were all the vegetables that start with C.
These juicy and leafy vegetables will keep you hydrated in summer and also maintain your physical strength. Keep researching and reading about more and more vegetables of letter p, q or s because good health is of utmost importance for a good life.
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