The summer season has arrived, and the best part is that it came along with the lemons, limes, or Neembu. Generally, we start missing the taste and benefits of lemon water in hot weather. It is important to take care of our diet in the summer to protect ourselves from sunstroke. It’s very crucial to hydrate our bodies. Lemon maintains the water level in the body and it also helps in losing weight.
The best benefit of lemon is that it is a great source of vitamin C. There are hundreds of lemon health benefits that’s why we are here to share them with you. After getting detailed information about lemon benefits, you will definitely start consuming lemon water regularly.
Table of Contents
Benefits Of Lemon Water
Read here all the pros of consuming lemon water.
1. Lemon Water Hydrates The Body
According to the guidelines of the Food and nutrition board, a woman should drink 2.7 liters of water, and men should drink 3.7 liters of water every day. We can also fulfill the water requirement with the intake of fruits and other fresh drinks.
If you want to hydrate yourself in different ways than regular water, drinking lemon water is a great alternative.
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2. Lemon Water Is Helpful For Weight loss
Lemon benefits are connected with weight loss. When it comes to losing weight, the first thing that comes to mind is lemon. Lemon helps in burning the fat of the body. Generally, lemon water is consumed with honey. Lemon benefits and honey benefits can work together as a miracle hence it’s a smart choice to pick a lemon for weight loss.

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3. Aids Digestive System
Hot lemon water in the morning is one of the most efficient home remedies for constipation. Some people drink lukewarm lemon water regularly for healthy digestion. Warm Lemon Water in the morning helps in cleaning the stomach and get the bowels moving. In Ayurveda, lemon is considered to be a medicine for smooth digestion.
4. Lemon helps in Tackling Kidney Stones
Lemon is sour in taste and is known to help in removing kidney stones in the body. The sourness of lemon can break down the small stones and expel them out from the body.
A word of caution: If you do suffer from kidney stones, it is best to reach out to a certified medical practitioner and seek professional guidance.

Also Read: Mishry Reviews: What Kind Of Lemon Squeezer Should You Buy?
5. Lemon Water For Fresh Breath
Generally, we eat so many things throughout the day that it can cause bad breath. If you have consumed garlic in your meal, then warm lemon water can remove the bad breath from your mouth.
6. Rich Source Of Vitamin C
Plenty of antioxidants are found in lemon that keeps free radicals away from our body. Free radicals cause several diseases and generally cause aging, and body wear and tear. Being rich in Vitamin C, lemon water helps to tackle free radicals. Additionally, it helps boost heart health and lower the risk of strokes and low blood pressure.

7. Promotes Skin Wellness
The health benefits of lemon water play a vital role in our skin. Vitamin C is present in lemon that makes our skin healthy. Lemon water decreases the chances of premature aging on the skin. Hot water lemon and honey are great for removing toxins from the body and bringing out the natural glow on the skin.
Also Read: We Reviewed Best Honey Brand With No Added Sugar. Check It Out.
8. Energy Booster
We need energy for day-to-day activities. We can kick start our day with refreshing hot water and lemon. It gives instant energy if taken on an empty stomach.
9. Lukewarm Lemon Water – Relieves Sore Throat
You can take lemon water for irritation in your throat. If you have a sore throat, just gargle with the lukewarm lemon water to get some relief from a scratchy throat.

10. Makes Our Immune System Strong
Bioflavonoid, Phytonutrients and vitamin C are found in lemon water and these are helpful in strengthening our immune and prevents us from several diseases.
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11. Advantageous For Gums
Lemon water is good for gums. Mix a little bit of salt in lemon and massage your gums slowly on a regular basis to get rid of gum problems.

12. Lemons are Full Of Antioxidants
Lemon is on the list of top foods rich in antioxidants that help in protecting us from free radicals which is the main cause of several diseases. A good amount of antioxidants in the body may decrease the risk of illness. Hence, it is safe to say that a glass of lemon water every day can help us keep many diseases at bay.
How To Make Lemon Water? Flavorful Detox Drink
There are several benefits of drinking lemon water which can be reaped through a good recipe. It would be better if you can make lemon water at home in a hygienic condition. It’s very easy to make lemon water.
- Take a glass of normal drinking water.
- Squeeze a ½ lemon juice in it.
- Add salt and sugar to taste.
- You can add mint, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger or raw honey to enhance the flavor of lemon water.

Tip: Put the lemon peel and steep it for 15-20 minutes for extra benefit as lemon peel is considered very nutritious. You can take it out before drinking lemon water.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here we have answered a few interesting FAQs about pros and cons of consuming lemon water.
1. How much lemon water should you drink in a day?
Generally, we consider the calories of a drink before consuming it. If you are drinking fruit juice or some other juice, you must know that lemon water has fewer calories as compared to juices.
2. What are the benefits of lemon water?
Lemon water helps in weight loss. It keeps our body hydrated and helps in bad breath and gum problems.
3. What happens when you drink lemon water in large quantities?
Drinking lemon water in excess can cause a burning sensation in the chest or gas in the stomach.
4. Which vitamin is found in lemon?
Lemon is known for vitamin C, and it helps in fat burning that further reduces weight.
Final Words
Summer has arrived, and we should be prepared for this season. Lemon water is a good companion throughout the summer months. The benefits of lemon water can be reaped by consuming it with the right method and at the right time. You must consume lemon water before stepping out in the sun. Additionally, it hydrates you and helpful in weight loss.
Try drinking hot lemon water in the morning for detoxification and chilled lime water can be enjoyed in the hot afternoon!