Stainless Steel cookware is gaining popularity with each passing day. Even small utensil shops now store stainless steel (SS) tawas, pans, and even cookers. We picked Alda’s Triply Stainless Steel Tawa (25cm) and made rotis on it for a whole week and found absolutely no issues with it – barring that using a SS tawa, instead of the more popular iron tawa, takes getting used to. Once you cross that bridge, all is well!

Alda Triply Stainless Steel Tawa (25 cm)
Features: Inner surface is made of food grade SS 304 stainless steel, outer surface is made with magnetic SS 430 stainless steel, third layer is made of heat-diffusing aluminum, total thickness is 4 mm, has a warranty of 5 years.
Size: 25 cm, Price: Rs. 1495*
*At the time of review
Here are 7 things you must know about this product:
- The inner surface is made of Food Grade SS 304 stainless steel.
- The external and innermost layers are made of SS 304 stainless steel. Between the two is a layer of aluminum. Aluminum is a good conductor of heat and allows even distribution of heat across the disc space.
- The tawa by Alda is induction-friendly. The base has a magnetic SS 430 coating, which makes it conducive to be used even on induction cookers.
- But thanks to this SS 430 layer, the outer layer is also prone to rusting, if left wet or soaked or is not dried regularly after washing.
- The tawa is oven (up to 300°C) and dishwasher safe. Though hand-washing with soft wool (not abrasive or steel) is recommended.
- The best way to wash stainless steel cookware is with warm soapy water, and dry it off immediately to keep water stains away and avoid food build up.
- The stainless steel handles are heat-resistant and do not heat up while cooking and are easy to handle.
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FirstImpressions: Triply Stainless Steel Tawa by Alda:
The tawa was used by us for a week to make regular wheat flour rotis. Initially, the rotis did stick to the tawa – the adjustment from old, often-used cookware to a new one does take time, and once we realized the heat and burner-size apt for the tawa, we didn’t face the issue of rotis sticking.
It’s good to point here that unlike iron tawas, in the case of SS cookware it is not advisable to allow the tawa/pan to heat up too much while empty. This could lead to more ‘burn’ marks.
While the burn marks do appear quickly but can be kept off with regular washing and drying.
Our overall experience of making rotis was an interesting and pleasant one.
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