Color And Consistency – The color of the Mother Dairy Chocolate Flavored Milk looks more like a milk loaded chai than a chocolate milkshake. The consistency is thin and not creamy. It’s chocolate-flavored milk, made from double toned milk. Do not expect a thick milkshake-like consistency.
Taste – The chocolate-flavored milk by Mother Dairy feels loaded with sugar and most adults won’t like the over-sweet flavor. The chocolate flavor you expect is lacking and feels very artificial. Unless you like sugary drinks, this is not for you.
The Kids Review – As this was clearly not an adult-friendly beverage, we asked three kids (from ages 6 to 12) to taste and review the Mother Dairy Chillz – Chocolate Swirl Flavored Milk. Surprisingly, all three of them loved it and shared would 100% go back for it. So we say, it is a good option for playdates or kiddy get-togethers, especially when you want the kids to keep off the carbonated drinks. Plus, the cost-effectiveness of this chocolate flavored milk is the key highlight.
Mishry Rating (0-5) – The adults rated it at 2 Mishrys while the kids rated it at 4 Mishrys.
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* No part of this review is sponsored by any brand. All expenses were borne by us.