Lychee juice – Ingredients and nutritional information -
Guava juice – Ingredients and nutritional information
Aroma and taste – The aroma and taste of both the fruit juices were not synthetic and very close to the original fruit.
The guava juice is thick and grainy. You can feel the pulpy-grains in your mouth and these tend to stick to the side of the glass as it happens with most pulpy drinks. The Lychee/litchi juice is not thick. There is a very delicate litchi flavor and is not too sweet. Tastes very nice, if consumed chilled.

Now, talking about the taste, it’s not exceptional. It’s not something that is different or grabs our attention. The positive that gives it an upper hand is the addition of vitamin D. These juices would be good for serving at a party where you don’t want to serve fizzy drinks or as mixers for mocktails and cocktails.
Mishry rating (On a scale of 0-5) – 3.5 Mishrys for both the variants of the Paper Boat Swing Plus Juice.

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