Best Coconut Milk For A Lot Of Flavor And Nuttiness
Packed coconut milk is extremely convenient to use and store. Here are some of the best brands of packaged coconut milk or coconut milk powder you could consider using.
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Traditionally made by extracted by grating fresh coconut, grinding it, and squeezing out the milk through a muslin cloth, coconut milk is not easy to make, and yet fairly frequently used in Indian food. Thank goodness for packaged coconut milk that saves us a lot of effort.
Be it in a curry – Indian or Asian – or a dessert, coconut milk lends a lovely creamy and mildly sweet texture to food. Let’s take a look at some of the best brands of coconut milk available online.
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Have you ever tried a dash of coconut milk with your coffee? It can be delicious. Similarly, coconut milk can also be added into smoothies, cocktails, or even whipped to add a spoonful of it as a garnish for desserts. It’s a great substitute for regular milk, especially for those who prefer gluten-free food.
An eccentric baker and professional binge watcher, I spend most of my free time watching reruns of NCIS and Brooklyn Nine Nine. Fuelled by coffee and the most random Spotify playlist, I’m always up for exploring the many tiny momo stalls and chaat walas where I go. If there are three things I can do right, they are writing, cooking and writing about cooking. I constantly process conversations in the form of memes in my head so if I’m laughing at you for no apparent reason then, it’s not me, it’s the memes.