Dunking cookies in a mug of hot milk and watching cartoons on TV in the evening is probably every kid’s routine. But, when you give your child their favorite cookie to eat, do you check the ingredients used to make them or is it a decision you make purely on taste? More and more companies are manufacturing kiddy friendly snacks, cookies, and munchies that are not only tasty but healthier too. Slurrp Farm products are made by two mothers who noticed that there weren’t enough healthy and convenient kids food in the market. They claim to use traditional grains, real butter, and ingredients that are actually healthy. We tried Slurrp farm’s cookies in two flavors – Ragi and chocolate cookies and Oats, honey and banana cookies and here is our first impression!
Table of Contents
What you need to know about Slurrp Farm Cookies
*As per information on pack
- They have no transfats.
- Slurrp farm cookies do not have preservatives.
- A box contains 18 cookies and the box is recyclable.
- They do not use hydrogenated fats, artificial colorings or flavorings to manufacture these cookies.

Slurrp Farm Cookies – Oats, honey and banana
The oats, honey, and banana cookies were a huge hit amongst the children.
Price – Rs 99/-
*Price at the time of review

Slurrp Farm Cookies – Ragi and chocolate
The ragi and chocolate cookies were low on the chocolate taste that kids generally expect from a cookie.
Price – Rs 99/-
*Price at the time of review
#FirstImpression of Slurrp Farm Cookies – Ragi and chocolate + Oats, honey, and banana
The whole first impression process was a delightful one for us – we invited some kiddies to the Mishry office. For this product, we thought that the opinion of children and adults is equally important. We tasted the Ragi and Chocolate Cookies and Oats, honey and banana cookies.
Let’s discuss the packaging first. The cookies have been packed in brightly colored boxes (which are recyclable). In recent times, over packaging has become a trend, packing every cookie individually and then putting them in a box. Thankfully, it’s not the case here. They have given small factoids on the side of the box. Overall, the packaging is nice and we found it pretty aesthetic.
Let’s start with the Slurrp Farm Cookies – Ragi and chocolate. We would like to give full marks for the ingredients, as only healthier alternatives have been used in these cookies. It has whole grain wheat flour, ragi flour, real butter among others. Moreover, these cookies are completely free of preservatives. As for the taste, we found these a little low on the chocolate flavor you usually anticipate when eating a chocolate cookie. The ragi flavor was a little overpowering for the children. Overall, they rated somewhere in the middle of our tasting scale.
Now coming to the Slurrp Farm Cookies – Oats, honey and banana. These cookies are like small thin discs. This variation is quite crunchy. Flavor-wise, only the oats can be tasted, the banana and honey flavor is nowhere to be found even though the ingredients on the box clearly mention all of them. They are much more buttery than the ragi and chocolate ones.
Price – These are priced at Rs 99/- per box. Even though the ingredients used are healthy and it has no preservatives, we felt that these cookies are a bit overpriced for the Indian market.
What the children thought of the Slurrp Farm Cookies
Now for the fun part, we invited over a few children to the Mishry office to taste these cookies. They were as excited as us for the tasting. They all preferred the oats, banana and honey cookies and went very slow on the chocolate ones. We feel that a kid’s perception of chocolate is way different than ours. They probably have tasted way more chocolate-based cookies that suited their palate. Therefore, it would have been easier for them to pick the oats cookies as the better one in comparison to the ragi and chocolate cookie.
* If you do agree with our review, please give it a thumbs up! And, tell us which one is your favorite from this list. If you don’t, please tell us why!
* Food & Beverage is a constantly evolving segment with new products launched daily. Our endeavor here is to help shoppers buy better. If there’s a product you would like us to review tell us by clicking here.* Our reviews are unbiased and all samples used during the reviews were paid for by us. Read our entire ethics statement here.
* No part of this review is sponsored by any brand. All expenses were borne by us.