1. Eating Raw Garlic On An Empty Stomach
Eating raw garlic is the most efficient way to reap its benefits and morning is the best time to consume it for burning belly fat. Peel and crush 2-3 cloves of garlic, let it sit for 10 minutes to activate its superpower, and have it with water. If you can’t bear the taste of garlic then you may consume it like a pill. Chop garlic into small pieces and swallow it with water. Swallowing garlic prevents nausea as well.
2. Garlic With Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is rich in Vitamin C and aids the digestion and detoxification. Take one glass of warm water. Add some crushed cloves of garlic and juice of one lemon. Drink it immediately and let the combo of garlic and lemon do its magic!
Suggested Read: Select the best lemon squeezer to squeeze lemon efficiently.
3. Raw Garlic With Honey
If eating garlic alone is not your thing then you can also try having it with honey. Peel and crush garlic cloves. Mix it with some raw honey and leave this mixture aside for a while. You can have it on an empty stomach on a regular basis to reduce weight. Apart from weight loss, it’s a wonderful remedy for day to day infections and to boost a weak immune system.

4. Garlic, Ginger And Lemon tea
Garlic-infused water for weight loss can be used instead of eating crushed or chopped cloves of garlic. Ginger, another potent herb and easily available in Indian kitchens, has anti-inflammation agents that aid weight loss. You can combine the two and prepare a potent ginger-garlic tea for weight loss with lemon.
Take 1-2 pieces of garlic bulbs, add small pieces of ginger to it. Grind them in a mixture to get a fine paste. Add it into the 2 glasses of boiling water and let it boil for 5 minutes. Cover it with a lid, and let it steep for 10 minutes before straining. Add lemon juice to it. Serve it and enjoy the goodness of three wonder ingredients for better digestion, detoxification, weight loss, and heart-health.
5. Unpeeled Garlic And Honey
Unpeeled garlic is rich in phenylpropanoid antioxidants. Remove the outermost layer by cutting the head of the garlic pod but don’t remove the peel of the garlic cloves. Put them in the mason jar and pour raw organic honey over it. Let them merge in each other and keep it in the refrigerator. It’s advised to consume this on an empty stomach for weight loss, strong immunity, heart-health, skin wellness.
6. Garlic And Milk
The combination of garlic and milk may be new to you but it’s a powerful recipe for healthy digestion and weight loss. Take 1 cup of fresh milk, 5-6 garlic cloves, 1 tbsp of turmeric powder and a pinch of black pepper. Crush the garlic cloves and wait for ten minutes. Boil the milk and add all the ingredients. Keep it on low flame until garlic becomes soft. Strain the drink and serve it lukewarm. You can also add raw honey. You can have this concoction for improving digestion and migraine pain.
Also Read: Garlic For Eyesight: 14 Amazing Benefits Of Garlic
What Is Black Garlic And Does Black Garlic Burn Fat?
Have you heard about Black Garlic? Probably not! Black garlic is aged garlic prepared by heating the garlic bulbs over a period of several weeks. The fermentation process eventually results in black-colored garlic. Black garlic is rich in protein, fiber, Iron, Calcium, and Vitamin C. It also has allium like white garlic but it contains double the amounts of antioxidants than white garlic.
Black garlic is enriched with amino acids which decrease its toxicity because of the water-soluble compounds present in it. Black garlic has a mild scent and a unique sweet taste that makes it different. Furthermore, it will not give you bad breath. What else can we expect from garlic! You can try black garlic for reducing weight if white garlic is not your thing and it’s an excellent anti-aging agent. The only downside is that it can dig a hole in your pocket as it’s very expensive.

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons
Some Other Ways To Consume Garlic
- If you can’t consume raw garlic then you can sauté it with butter or olive oil with a little bit of salt to enjoy garlic diet.
- Sauces and dips are a great way to eat raw garlic.
- You can use raw garlic on your salads and soups as a topping.
- Thinly sliced garlic can be enjoyed in breakfast with Idli, dosa or as a little sprinkle on your buttered toast.
Side-effects Of Eating Garlic
- Bad odor is one of the main downsides of eating garlic. The high amount of sulfur present in garlic is responsible for bad breath. You can eat parsley after eating garlic as a natural breath freshener.
- High intake of garlic can lead to heartburn, indigestion, irritation in the digestive tract, burning sensation in the mouth, upper abdomen, and chest.
- You must avoid eating raw garlic if you are allergic to birch pollen. The signs of this allergy are hives, facial swelling, breathing difficulty and nonallergic or garlic sensitivity signs are gas, bloating, gastrointestinal discomfort.
- Extra care must be taken during pregnancy before eating raw garlic. It’s better to consult the doctor about the use or dosage. Garlic has an antithrombotic effect hence the consumption of garlic must be discontinued seven days prior to surgery during pregnancy and avoid the use of fresh garlic three weeks prior to the due date to reduce the increased risk of bleeding.
- People suffering from Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GRI) must avoid eating raw garlic.
- Raw garlic should be avoided in case of fructans intolerance.
- Avoid eating a high amount of raw garlic if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

How To Store Garlic
- We must always pick fresh garlic over-aged and yellow garlic as it’s easy to digest.
- Garlic shouldn’t be soft, with some decay or sprouts in it.
- Always refrigerate the rest of the pod after peeling the head of the garlic pod.
- Store garlic in a cool and dark place to prevent sprouting and losing its freshness.
- Garlic can be stored for 2 weeks to 2 months depending on their size and type.
Garlic, an essential herb for cooking, is extremely nutritious. Garlic is generally used as part of several home remedies, but its benefits for weight loss are well-known. Apart from other vital nutrients, garlic has allium that makes it a powerful ingredient to reduce belly fat. It is safe to say that consuming garlic, together with a balanced diet and an active lifestyle, will definitely help in weight loss.
Garlic can easily find its way into your daily diet. As discussed, the benefits of garlic for weight loss and overall health are simply amazing! Garlic can be swallowed with water if you can’t chew it, but do try to consume raw garlic as far as possible.
Disclaimer – This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information before making any dietary changes.